Wednesday, March 4, 2009


SUP.SOG, in Corean in the forest, is a lights made with recycled cardboard.

This project tries to make a reflection on the use that we make of the materials and its properties.
Taking like departure point the service life from the paper of the tree to the box of packing,
this lights proposes to extend the life utility of the material by means of the poetry of the light. The cardboard has been worked to explain a forest graphically, by means of the drawing of the silhouettes of the trunks. The nature is the departure point of this project. Peace that breathes the light when filter itself between the branches is the recreated luminance effect through the over position luminance of the cut cardboard. The lights matches of shades that reproduce the sensation of harmonic chaos that we have in the forest.
With this desire object to propose more conscious use of the raw materials and to wake up the glance towards what we threw, to give second life.

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